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« Dead Meadow - "Dusty Nothing" (Peel Session) | Main | Chris Rock - "Crazy White Kids" »

Thursday, April 07, 2005



this shit slays. word up.


We were driving home from Flagstaff, Arizona a couple weeks ago and we were watching a Vice magazine DVD that had rock videos on it because The Icarus Line was on it and we're all gay about them and then all of a sudden Scott goes, "Dude, C.AARME's got a video on here!" and I was like, "So? What the fuck is that?" And then he played it and then...Oh man, I'm pretty fucked up right now. I just saw the Fuckin' Champs at The Echo. The Mass pretty much killed everything in sight before them anyway. And fuckin' Jorma kept buying me drinks. Has it reduced itself to this? Travis, I'm afraid it has. Tonight it has anyway. Sorry dude.


But, what's really funny is; when I read this back to myself, my voice is a lot deeper.


But, what's really funny is; when I read this back to myself, my voice is a lot deeper.


But, what's really funny is; when I read this back to myself, my voice is a lot deeper.


you are drunk... you posted this three times... fuck man, call me next time someone's buying drinks bitch.


wow, this is really good...

Jake The Snake

this is good... and i never would have checked it out seeing as how it's on epitaph. thanks.

King Kerching

Man this tune vaporizes any shit garage 5 shit piece L.A.M.F
This bands the best thing to come out of Sweden since Henrik Larsson.


fuck this band name, though... how am i supposed to ask for this at the record store? "see (period) ay - ar - MAY"


yes..phonetics: "see - armay"... is it that hard? much better than modern american rock band names like "something corporate" or "[insert day of the week]"? blaaaaaarrrgh!

wears a raincoat

why the fuck does this sound exactly like wire "two people in a room"

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