The story beings with my buddy discovering some weird Swedes in his hometown of Göteborg that started a punk band. A crew of arty and crusty lads that listen to Sepultura and wanted to create something "fast and hard". What came out of their impassioned sessions was something truly magical and rare. An energetic punk record that captures an inspired intensity as well as a clever approach to lyricism - something that I find is rather rare these days. Originally a tiny release on his small label (carcrash records) which during production got licensed to Burning Heart and later to Epitaph in the United States. I ended up writing the one-sheet to their record at the time not knowing that the record would end up on Epitaph, so the err.. tall tales I told in the one-sheet ended up creating some humorous rumors. Keep in mind these Swedish lads never heard of Bad Brains or Black Flag until after this record was released. Definitely a fresh punk rock record that while contemporary, maintains a feeling of something that came out before the hyper-cultural effects of internet explosion.
This was a snippet of what I wrote about them when i first heard 'em:
"C.AARMÉ…the Swedish militia of punk rock. No, not the fashion punk that seethes from the oily pores of the corporate rock machines of today... this is the real sweaty deal. Destroyed amplifiers, guitars through windows, and blown out vocal chords. A maniacal attack of cataclysmic proportions. Feigning death for their required military service and hiding in the forests of Sweden only to emerge to behead the new garage punk aristocracy. The invasion has begun and no prisoners will be taken."
They never hid in the woods... however, the myriad soul-less and unchallenging slop that is fed to the masses as "punk" should consider running to the woods and feeding themselves to a family of grizzly bears or carnivorous sasquatches.
(Download C.AARMÉ - "Tu Puta Mi Casa")
[Buy their stuff from Insound]
this shit slays. word up.
Posted by: omgwrf | Thursday, April 07, 2005 at 10:25 PM
We were driving home from Flagstaff, Arizona a couple weeks ago and we were watching a Vice magazine DVD that had rock videos on it because The Icarus Line was on it and we're all gay about them and then all of a sudden Scott goes, "Dude, C.AARME's got a video on here!" and I was like, "So? What the fuck is that?" And then he played it and then...Oh man, I'm pretty fucked up right now. I just saw the Fuckin' Champs at The Echo. The Mass pretty much killed everything in sight before them anyway. And fuckin' Jorma kept buying me drinks. Has it reduced itself to this? Travis, I'm afraid it has. Tonight it has anyway. Sorry dude.
Posted by: Christian | Friday, April 08, 2005 at 01:15 AM
But, what's really funny is; when I read this back to myself, my voice is a lot deeper.
Posted by: Christian | Friday, April 08, 2005 at 01:19 AM
But, what's really funny is; when I read this back to myself, my voice is a lot deeper.
Posted by: Christian | Friday, April 08, 2005 at 01:19 AM
But, what's really funny is; when I read this back to myself, my voice is a lot deeper.
Posted by: Christian | Friday, April 08, 2005 at 01:20 AM
you are drunk... you posted this three times... fuck man, call me next time someone's buying drinks bitch.
Posted by: Travis | Friday, April 08, 2005 at 01:36 AM
wow, this is really good...
Posted by: danny | Friday, April 08, 2005 at 11:05 AM
this is good... and i never would have checked it out seeing as how it's on epitaph. thanks.
Posted by: Jake The Snake | Saturday, April 09, 2005 at 03:31 PM
Man this tune vaporizes any shit garage 5 shit piece L.A.M.F
This bands the best thing to come out of Sweden since Henrik Larsson.
Posted by: King Kerching | Sunday, April 10, 2005 at 09:09 AM
fuck this band name, though... how am i supposed to ask for this at the record store? "see (period) ay - ar - MAY"
Posted by: danny | Monday, April 11, 2005 at 11:13 AM
yes..phonetics: "see - armay"... is it that hard? much better than modern american rock band names like "something corporate" or "[insert day of the week]"? blaaaaaarrrgh!
Posted by: steve | Tuesday, April 12, 2005 at 02:50 PM
why the fuck does this sound exactly like wire "two people in a room"
Posted by: wears a raincoat | Thursday, April 14, 2005 at 09:09 AM