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Sunday, June 19, 2005



Jew like Batman? I thought it was good, but not great.

Travis Keller

Batman was ok. It was what I expected. Lots of action & minimal dialog . Katie Holmes sucks. Fuck her. It was no Tim Burton flick.


Yeah, I'll never understand the appeal for Katie Holmes. She's not that hot and not a great actress. She just must have the right connections for work. Yeah, the cheesy one-liners were real bad too. Batman tripping balls was cool tho. I'd say 6/10, worth renting.

Travis Keller

Yeah who knew Batman was experienced?


I thought that movie was pretty damn good compared to the last two turd-heaps they tried to pass off as Batman movies. At least there was no Robin or Bat-girl or nipples on the Batsuit this time around.

Ryan Mc

Hey the 101 pages don't schroll down in thier windows! I know the site is new but I wanna read the whole thing! Steven didn't list Fantastic Planet as one of his influences even though everything after Jupiter sounds like a Failure cover band? And as for Batman, I smoked a ton of high grade weed and had a blast, especially the halucination parts.

Travis Keller

Fixed the scroll bar issue and added GIOVANNI MARKS's list... more lists in the next few days.

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