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Thursday, October 06, 2005



bleh... i can't get into new depeche mode at all, ultra was good, exciter was shitty, and that single precious is... well... rubbish.

bring back alan wilder and songs of faith days i say! ah screw it, ill just listen to my recoil record instead...

Ray Cooter

These songs are cool, I dunno what you're pissed about...

paris hilton

for the record...who the hell bangs a guy for merely owning a record? Where are you finding these girls? "Depeche Mode? Do you have any Depeche Mode? Okay...let's go."


"For the record, I have on several occasions gotten laid.."

at least someone can


shit is lame.


Gotten laid for Depeche Mode? Where do you meet these girls? You better hope that no girl you ever want to get with reads that. It's up there with one of the most disgusting things I've ever read.

Ray Cooter

I love these people who take everything BUDDYHEAD says as serious...


I don't know Monica, I think it was up there with one of the most sexually exciting things Ive ever read


seriously back in the day girls got wet to DM...if you were on that train, they were in the backseat of your ride with their panties off past 11 on a school nite!


If u haven't gotten wet to Depeche Mode you haven't gotten wet. Just joking, but seriously its true


Ryan gets layed, don't make me laugh

John Metzger

i think trent reznor should take lessons from this album -- then maybe he'll remember how to compose and then produce an album that sounds sincere. and no, i'm not comparing apples and oranges. seriously guys and dude-ettes, this album's produced like a mo-fo.


Elise, I don't understand. I was quoting Travis.


Come to think of it I don't know why the hell I posted that, good call


2 more tracks:

LL Cool F

One o these songs was on Smallville last week. I like Smallville. It is good. I also like other things like brushing the roof of my mouth with a soft toothbrush. Very refreshing!


I have never seen Smallville, nor have I listened to these songs, but what I really want to know is: Does brushing the roof of your mouth tickle much?


Entire album here in 192kb MP3:


I've got another track up on my site.


This album is great! A very pleasant surprise, as I figured DM had run out of steam for good. Guess not!

aLfie the eLf

Upon first listen to "Precious," I knew right away that Depeche Mode has indeed returned to classic form, yet embracing freshness. The single's dominant keyboard melody reminded me of their "Enjoy the Silence," and the mildly distorted guitar was what made it sound contemporary. Of course, DM would be in its best if only Wilder would return as well; however, the remaining trio pulled it off—in a manner far much better than they did with 'Ultra' (only "It's No Good" caught my fancy) and 'Exciter' (I spent countless listens before "Dream On" sank on me. Relatively, DM is indeed now playing again with angels.


John the Revelator is a return to form..I think Gahan has injected some life sharing writing credits for the first time...if the rest of this cd is as good as this song I will have wet panties..if I was a girl and wore panties that is...P.S.--There can never be enough JAMC posts


ok, had a bit of a listen to these songs, liked them both. "Precious" grew on me like moss. DM appears to be back in 3/4 form (sans Alan Wilder), Martin Gore is a fucking genius. the sound i get from these songs is a sprig of old school, a pinch of SOF&D and some new shit to round it off. can't wait to hear the album in it's entirety. Also, speaking of old, Some Great Reward, Construction Time Again, and Black Celebration are some greats...all the way up until Ultra which i think was a massive piece of dog poo. Speak and Spell and A Broken Frame are at the bottom of my list, but songs like Photographic, See You, Monument & The Meaning of Love (classic video of Dave Gahan shaking his skinny ass)are worth a listen to refresh yer memory...anywhey, it would be interesting to see them live, as the last time i saw them was at the Rose Bowl in '88 - i believe Wire was one of the opening acts as well... that is all.


I started listening to Depeche Mode in 1980. They will always be my favorite band despite Dave's metamorphises and the bands break and everything they have ever been through. This new album makes me ache in my belly because it feels like Black Celebration or Music for Masses all over again for me.
Im male and I dont see the problem living for this bands new release like I did when I was still in eye liner.

Along with Kraftwerk, DM are the pioneers. That will never change nor will my adoration for them.

Bob A. Booey

I've had this for a couple weeks and I'm so glad the Head put it up here. The production is great on it, but it doesn't feel like 15 year old mode. They added dirt and grime to the mix to give it some grit. Also check out Sinner in Me and Pain That I'm Used To.

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