I woke up this morning thinking of a record that I had in storage. This record an obscure release on Capital Records by a band called 'Lothar And The Hand People'. Considered as the band who introduced synthesizers into rock and roll which also had a trusty theremin called "Lothar". I love a band with theremin! According to an article from westword.com the band had a series of near-misses in the music-world. One story goes that, "[Jimi] Hendrix and the Hand People (particularly [the member] King) became buddies, jamming together on a regular basis and earning a reputation that caught the attention of Linda Keith, a talent scout for Chas Chandler, a member of the British act the Animals as well as a budding entrepreneur. Chandler arranged to catch Lothar and Hendrix during one evening, but he arrived at the Nite Owl just as the Hand People's first set was ending. Conly says Chandler chatted with the musicians during the break, promising to catch their second set of the evening after eyeballing Hendrix. "Then he left," Conly allows, "and never came back." The reason? Chandler was blown away by Hendrix, whom he took with him to England, remade as a psychedelic guitar god and set on his way to international acclaim." A series of unfortunate events? Perhaps. At any rate, enough music blahblah... just listen to their songs starting with the wonderful "MACHINES"!
Official(?) website with show list and a few psychedelic posters.
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