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« Nardwuar V.S. Nirvana | Main | Tim Buckley - Greetings Fom LA »

Sunday, April 29, 2007



Awww. Your just a big softy, aren't ya!

Mike Long

Thanks Travis, you fucking rule.


white boy can't dance

Sarah Michelle

I just watched that entire video and it's not even 9am yet... yea


i live in Canada too i think...we don't care much for nationalism here so i could be wrong.
this guy needs you. have a heart and send him some bullets(in case one isn't enuf).


i live in Canada too i think...we don't care much for nationalism here so i could be wrong.
this guy needs you. have a heart and send him some bullets(in case one isn't enuf).


i live in Canada too i think...we don't care much for nationalism here so i could be wrong.
this guy needs you. have a heart and send him some bullets(in case one isn't enuf).

Mike Long

I'm white? Shit. My parents lied, they told me I was a Jew.

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